Elisabeth Kubler-Ross on Children and Death
Joan Bartless posted this to the forum:
I seem to remember that Elisabeth Kubler-Ross used to comfort parents of children who had died a rraumatic death, like murder, tby telling them hat she believed that the child would not have been in their body at the time of the assault. That they child would have "left " it - my picture on reading this was of the child being close by and witnessing the attack - but somehow removed from it. It is possible that this is in her book "on Children and Death" if not itwould be one of the others.
This is not quite the same as the Third Man Factor, but I think John Geiger refers to this type of experience as if it may be related to the Third Man phenomenon.
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I wonder if anyone else has thoughts on this? I lost a baby twoyears ago, and have to say that I felt James closeby after hisdeath. It was too raw to include in the book, still is hard to talkabout, so much pain there, but I am obviously touched by Joan'spost and would like to know more if anyone has anything to add.Meanwhile I'm going to track down the book...