I wasnt in danger and it lasted 3 months
I was sitting in my backyard on a sunny day i wasnt in any danger and my life was going ok.... and i heard a voice clear as day... it was God... we actually had conversations and its not like a normal conversation either like we humans have.... its much faster...not so much a language but more of a feeling with crystal clear words.... its really hard to describe and i know im doing so much injustice trying to explain this but yea....i know it sounds crazy but he would speak through the birds and the wind...i had my doubts at first.... i thought i was going insane but then a gust of wind would blow while he was saying something very profound... lets just say everytime i had my doubts he erased it completely with "proof"... but i know myself enough to know that im a pretty sane person.... so then after i accepted the fact that i wasnt going crazy and the voice i heard was actually God and not the devil... i did was he was telling me to do... he lead me to some peope that helped me into this spiritual journey.... he lead me to ketamine.... not the normal street kind but a special type that was made in a lab somewhere... after i took that the experience took on a whole different level.... it was stronger.... it made me wiser... what my conversations were and what i did i wish to keep private... but if anyone else is having these experiences please let me know because he told me that i wasnt going to be alone on this =)
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