
Photo of John GeigerOffline

Photo of John GeigerOffline

There has been much speculation about the vision astronaut Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) experiences in Alfonso Cuarón's gripping new sci-fi film Gravity. There should be no doubt: It is a classic sensed presence experience, not unlike the real-life encounter on Mir by U.S. astronaut Jerry Linenger.

Photo of John GeigerOffline

This is a fascinating new case of the third man phenomenon, an angel aiding a crash victim, and calming first responders at a Missouri car accident scene.

Photo of John GeigerOffline

Good Morning America has also featured The Third Man Factor, follow the link below.

Photo of John GeigerOffline

Links for the ABC Nightline investigation of guardian angels, report and interview by Jay Schadler.

Photo of John GeigerOffline

Please note that due to scheduling changes the interview with John Geiger about The Third Man Factor has been changed to ABC's NIGHTLINE this evening. It will be rebroadcast on Good Morning America, although that date has not been set.

Photo of John GeigerOffline

John Geiger will be on ABC's Nightline this Friday (April 26), speaking about his book The Third Man Factor with Emmy Award-winning journalist and adventurer Jay Schadler.

Photo of John GeigerOffline

The much-anticipated sequel to The Third Man Factor will be published in September in Canada by HarperCollins and October in the United States by Weinstein. UK and other editions to follow. Be the first to receive a copy of The Angel Effect, preorder at Barnes & Noble or at Amazon.

Photo of John GeigerOffline

The latest plot twist in AMC's blockbuster zombie series The Walking Dead has Rick experiencing a vision of his dead wife, Lori. Many reports about the episode, titled "The Suicide King", use words like "madness", or "hallucinating" or "crazy" to describe Rick's vision. In fact, he's not becoming unhinged. He's having a third man experience. The question is whether the writers for the series, generally excellent, have figured that out.

Photo of John GeigerOffline

Interesting piece in the Roman Catholic publication, Our Sunday Visitor, arguing that the Third Man factor is, in fact, a manifestation of guardian angels. The Third Man Factor discusses this possibility, along with neurological explanations. Read an excerpt from the Our Sunday Visitor piece below.

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