March 14, 2009
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CBC News Sunday, the CBC flagship national news programfocussed, March 15, on The Third Man Factor, as host Evan Solomoninterviewed author John Geiger, as well as two of the peopleprofiled in his book, climber Jim Sevigny, and Andrew Prossin.Sevigny's astonishing life and death struggle after an avalanche onDeltaform appears in Chapter 1. Prossin is a yachtsman andexpedition leader with a company called One OceanExpeditions Inc., who encountered the phenomenon during a NorthAtlantic race. It was the first time Sevigny and ProssinĀ havespoken to the broadcast media about their experiences. Solomon hasa Master's degree in religious studies and has written aboutnorthern exploration, so was ideally suited to examine the mysteryof the Third Man. CBC NewsSunday's microsite has a forum on which some viewers postedtheir own views on the Third Man Factor.
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