
Photo of John GeigerOffline

"We heard somebody inside the car saying, 'Help,'" says officer. However, there was no one inside the wrecked, upside down in a river, capable of calling out for help.

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The 9/11 survivors who were guided to safety by spirits... and other haunting stories from people who claim ghostly presences saved their lives, an excerpt from Patricia Pearson's powerful new book, Opening Heaven's Door.

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A number of pastors and priests have cited The Angel Effect in their sermons. This link takes you to a thoughtful meditation on the book by Rev'd Canon Dawn Davis, at Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora.

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"A compassionate look at those touched by spirits...The tales are often harrowing, like the one about a Rwandan bishop who waited out that country’s genocide with a fearful group of refugees while the buildings around them were ransacked. Geiger’s storytelling can be very affecting."

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Fascinating, and eloquent blog post by Ellen Painter Dollar on the website of St. James's Episcopal Church in West Hartford Center.

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Podcasts of John Geiger's two appearances on the international radio show Coast to Coast with the legendary host George Noory, and Ian Punnett.

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Peter Robb talks to John Geiger

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Fascinating, thoughtful essay by Bruce Epperly posted on

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Deborah Arca, Managing Editor of, interviews John Geiger about The Angel Effect.

Photo of John GeigerOffline

This Q & A with John Geiger discussing The Angel Effect has just been published on the website

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