Sue Weaver

Sue Weaver
Pam, The Angel and ME
I have no doubts that my daughter Pam and I were the recipients of divine intervention in February of 1999. It’s an experience difficult to explain or fully share because it was such a spiritual occurrence and revolved around my relationship with Pam.
It happened at the Detroit Airport as I was about to board a plane on my way home to Harrisburg. And it occurred during a very trying period in our family’s life – the diagnosis and treatment of Pam for stage 1 ovarian cancer.
Pam and Roger drove me to the Detroit Airport, and as we waited for my plane to board, we chatted and all seemed well. Since Pam and I hate “goodbyes”, we hugged and I started down the ramp. But when I turned to wave to her, I saw that Pam was totally distraught and crying. My first instinct was to tear up my ticket and run to her side, but I thought of Dick my husband who was waiting for me at home. I was so torn: I didn’t know what to do. So I asked the lord for guidance. Then, just as I decided to turn around return to Pam, a casually dressed, slightly built man in his mid-forties, with white hair and a beard and the most piercing blue eyes I have ever seen, emerged from the crowd. He put his arm around my waist and physically pushed me towards the entrance of the plane. Although I was surrounded around by other passengers, no one but me seemed aware of this man and our encounter. The fact that even allowed this stranger to touch me, much less be so physical with me, was one thing. My first instinct would have been to hit shove him or hit him with my pocketbook. Then he turned to me and said he was told to tell me “everything would be all right”. His gaze and words filled me with such a feeling of peace that I never thought to question him - another thing I would not normally have done. The next thing I knew, I was sitting somewhat dumbfounded in my assigned seat with the most incredible feeling of calmness. The young man continued past me to the back of the plane, an