Near miss
I wanted to share another story with you and you have my consent to use it in any way you wish, should you desire to. My story takes place in February 1987. I used to work for an airline called PSA, I had a co-worker named Jo-Ellen. I was in college and working part time. I just moved into a new apartment with a friend of mine. Sadly, he died in a car crash by a drunk driver right before we moved in. I desperately needed a roommate to help me with the rent. Money was tight with all my expenses, books, tuition, rent, etc. I digress. I worked with Jo-Ellen who was about 15 years older then me and had a husband who was a Long Beach city fireman named Jimmy Smith. She had told me she was going to divorce her husband and knew I was looking for a roommate. She asked to rent the vacant room I had. I knew her husband and was friends with his son who was my age. I called and asked Jimmy if Jo-Ellen living with me would be a problem. He said it would be more than okay. I might add, I had a girlfriend at the time and was no way romantically involved with Jo-Ellen.. She was a great roommate almost like a mom. I too enjoyed living with her.. She and I had lunch on my day off. She had told me her ex asked her to come and see her dog. She was reluctant but loved her dog and needed some of the items she left behind so she went. She then said he cornered her and put a gun to her head telling her if he couldn't have her, no one can. She calmed him down by telling him she would come back to him. She than called his father and told him what happened. His father called her back and told her everything is fine now. he explained he was just under stress and is good now. I had some suspicions it wasn't and pleaded with her to call the police. She declined and said no, all is well now and that he was just adjusting. Right before this incident she showed up at work with a large bandage on her forehead. She said Jimmy was cutting the top of the Christmas tree and the saw accidentally slipped and cut her? I thought this was strange but had plenty on my mind at the time so I let it go. One week after we met for lunch I was studying my exams. I was called in and asked to work overtime because someone had called in sick. Although I needed to stay home and study and didn't feel very well but I needed the money and filled the shift. I planned on staying up all night studying. When I arrived work my supervisor told me maybe I should call Jimmy because he called earlier and asked if I was working that evening. Frank told him no I wasn't scheduled to. I worked all night and arrived home about 2:00am. I was surprized to see that the lights in the apartment were all on and the stereo was playing. This windows and sliding door were open as well. It is pretty chilly in California this time of year so all of these occurrences seemed out of place and unlike Jo-Ellen. Her shift started at 6:00am so she was never up this late. I first entered my bedroom and saw my room was literally torn apart. I than called out for Jo-Ellen but she didn't answer. I saw that her bedroom door was open so I started to enter it. As I stepped in I heard a slush. I turned on the lights and saw the most horrific scene imaginable. Jimmy had shot Jo-Ellen in the head and than himself. The bathroom door was kicked in and Jimmy was laying near the entrance to the bedroom. The slush was the blood I stepped into that surrounded Jimmy's head. I started to become dizzy and was in shock. Fortunately, I was able to call the police. They came and after I let them in they escorted me to a recreation room downstairs that was adjacent to the lobby. As I sat there trying to figure out what happened a young blonde girl came into the room. I was crying and was very disturbed. She put her arm around me and was extraordinarly comforting to me. She was very warm, kind and kept assuring me I would be okay. She told me Jesus would take care of me because I was one of his children. One thing I remember about her was it almost felt as though she had a glow around her, a warm and comforting glow or feeling. It felt like safety. She told me she took care of everything and left the room. I don't know how long she was gone but a co-worker and friend named Red came in. He lived relatively close. Afterwards my parents came. I did not even have Red's number so I asked who called him. He told me a young girl called and woke him telling him that I needed him there. He to added he never answers his phone at night but something told him he should that evening. My parents told me the same thing. After the investigation was completed by the police they told me I could now leave. When I got up to depart with my parents I asked the officer where the young girl was so I could thank her. He looked at me in a puzzled manor. He said he guarded that very door to the recreation room I was in all night. The reason being was because there was an on-going investigation and I was a suspect at the time. He swore to me no one entered or left that room until my friend and family arrived. My parents than drove me to their home, Red took care of answering the questions the offers had as well as other things I needed his help with. I truly think and believe the young girl was an angel. Could it be someone called in sick and a divine force saved my life that night? I don't know
Over the years I have had many other things that I feel I was spared from.
Tim Maddox
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